Career counselors
Working for you

Discover it, achieve it

EDDI is an AI powered platform that gives you personalized career guidance based on your personality, passion and talent

1000 Career counselors Working for you

Discover it, achieve it

EDDI is an AI powered platform that gives you personalized career guidance based on your personality, passion and talent


national student-to-counselor ratio in high schools

$200 / Hour

average hourly rate for a private counselor


of freshmen drop out of college

1 / 3

of all college students transfer to a different college, often losing credits, time and money

How EDDI Works


Learner Profile

Identifies your personality, unique talents and passions.

Dives into what makes you tick with a question framework that teases out your likes and dislikes – your favorite activities; career goals; financial goals; school, diversity, location preferences, and employment timelines.


Career Guidance

Analyzes millions of data points to determine your career.

Combines your personality and time to employment to determine optimal career guidance. Eddi provides you with detailed career data including emerging careers and trends.


School Guidance

Matches you with school choices.

Finds the right schools for you based on your career, location, size, diversity, distance, costs and financial aid. Higher ed options can include certificate, vocational, community or colleges.

What’s Next?

“What if” Scenarios

Experiment with life choices

Change and model scenarios for timelines, costs, salaries, emerging careers, growth rates and see how it impacts your future

Learner Ecosystem

Connects you with an Ecosystem

Join a community of students and mentors. Be a part of  lifelong learner ecosystem with school and career insights, internships and job opportunities


Interact with EDDI

Ask questions. EDDI analyzes millions of data points and uses the power of AI to answer your relevant  and specific questions